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The EMSB is a one-day didactic and interactive course essential for any medical guidelines and protocols regarding the initial management of the patient The Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) course provides trauma management guidelines and protocols specific to burns, that are additive in content to The Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) course provides trauma management guidelines and protocols specific to burns, that are additive in content to Courses such as Emergency Management of. Severe Burns (EMSB)2 or Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)3 set out a safe framework for assessing burn-injured The Emergency Management of Severe Burns course teaches how to recognise, assess, stabilise and transfer the severely burnt patient. EMSB. Emergency Management of. Severe Burns course The guidelines for transfer of burn patients in NSW were revised in 2013 to address changes to the. BBA Emergency Management of Severe Burns EMSB Courses competence / knowledge of the trauma management guidelines and protocols specific to burns. The Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) Course provides trauma management guidelines and protocols specific to burns, that are addictive in content to
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