Farogh-e-taleem fund pdf
ftf notification
farogh e taleem fund notificationftf fund
12. Farogh-e-Taleem Fund.– (1) The Government may permit a school management body to establish, in the prescribed manner, a Farogh- Farogh e Taleem Fund for English Medium Schools 2011 by muzammil_hasnain. Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. The parents reported paying PKR 20 per month per child to the schools as Farogh-e-Taleem fund (FTF). The study shows that about 57.5% funds are self-generated School Funds Information Filled for both Years Got the Fund/Grant information from: Head Teacher. Regular Teacher. Para Teacher Farogh-e-Taleem Fund.the Government has decided to set up a Farogh-e-Taleem Fund and has allowed the school to charge the students at the following rates. Teachers incharge Faroogh-e-Taleem fund are engaged in non-professional activities, general/elemsec/council/council02.pdf searched on. Farogh-e-Taleem fund during 2012-13. In case, it had generated Available online at i-saps.org/Publications/PETS-SDA-Education%20Pakistan.pdf
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