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Applying to Enrol at Little e's Parents who would like their child to attend Prep at Emmanuel College need to complete a separate application form at least 12 Please contact Ms Jo-Anne Nelson, College Registrar, for all enrolment enquiries, email registrar@emmanuel.vic.edu.au or phone 03 5560 0888. Student admissions. Emmanuel College is a Christian ethos school for the whole community seeking the transformation of society. We welcome young people from all Emmanuel College only offers Admission in September. Admission Requirements. Academic Requirements; English-Proficiency Testing; International Degree AssessmentEmmanuel College Application for Admission; $25 Application Fee miscellaneous processes that need to be completed to finalize your enrollment process. Emmanuel College offers two methods for enrollment; you may either submit your enrollment and payment information online or mail both directly to the Office Enrolment Applications · calling the College Registrar on 8325 5100 · emailing the College Registrar at enrolments@ecmelb.catholic.edu.au · completing the online Complete online Application for Enrolment form. Please ensure all documentation is included in your submission. An application fee of $77.00* (including GST) is Enrol at Emmanuel · Step 1: Complete and submit an 'Application for Enrolment' form along with the non-refundable $50.00 Application Fee. · Step 2: You will be
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